The Phione will give you the Phione dew then you go home and give it to manaphy. then just keep doing missions and checking back at the guild everyday.
use an electric or grass type pokemon
beat the game
To beat the game the 1st time, u have to beat Primal Dialga ( not in its normal form, in its Primal form.) To beat the game the 2nd time, u have 2 beat Darkrai and his underlings.
You need to beat all the bosses except for Darkrai.
if you started with swapert use that and make sure it learned surf or wat i did was train two gyrados and teach them both surf i trained my gyrados to level 45 then beat them
You have to beat gyrados's aqua dash with every character exept manaphy then beat her with pikachu and she will be your friend
go back too Mr.Pokemon to get an exp.share
after you beat darkria and beat the final maze do whatever you want in the game.
Get a geodude and teach it magnitude. Use it with the Skitty and Torchic in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Tine to beat the Luxio tribe.
In order to get pichu in explorers of time and darkness you MUST graduate from the guild then go to amp plains and eventually you will see a pichu beat it and it may join your team
fight him again