Take Home Chef ended in 2008.
you just have to play a little "ingredient memory" with the chef dude in the kitchen. it's really not all that hard.
The duration of Take Home Chef is 1800.0 seconds.
Take Home Chef was created on 2006-05-15.
You can expect to take many tests. Including chemistry tests, biology tests, physics tests, forensics test, etc. They are tests you will have to take and they are mandatory
Take Home Chef - 2005 Patrishia was released on: USA: 2006
Take Home Chef - 2005 Pilot was released on: USA: 2005
Take Home Chef - 2005 Darcy was released on: USA: 9 February 2007
You can expect to take many tests. Including chemistry tests, biology tests, physics tests, forensics test, etc. They are tests you will have to take and they are mandatory
to be Japanese
Take Home Chef - 2005 Debra was released on: USA: 27 October 2006