A white one in Assassin Creed 2 and brotherhood and a black one in Revelations...
They're like the one Jackie wears in Sleeping Dogs. You can buy it online.
The A is Assassins Creed Revelations is just a letter on how you spell AssAssins creed
No. After that the main storyline finishes, but I think you'll find out the conclusion and what happens in Assassins creed Revelations ( the fourth assassins creed)
Assassins Creed I- Altair Ibn- La Ahaad/ Desmond Miles Assassins Creed II- Ezio Auditore Da Firenze/ Desmond Miles Assassins Creed Brotherhood- Ezio Auditore Da Firenze/ Desmond Miles Assassins Creed Revelations- Altair Ibn La Ahaad/ Ezio Auditore Da Firenze/ Desmond Miles Assassins Creed III- Connor Kenway/ Desmond Miles
you cant get a rifle in assassins creed revelations but you can get a hidden gun
Correction- Its actually Assassins Creed Revelations. Not olutions. Its. elations. Secondly, Desmond gets trapped in the Animus during a mal function. He must go through all these paths and traps etc.
Assassins' Creed Revelations, III, and Rogue.
Assassins Creed Revelations
yes assassins creed 1 and assassins creed revelations
Only on ACB (Assassins Creed Brotherhood) you can also get in revelations
Assassin's Creed: Revelations retails for $59.99.
what kind of question is this they have completely different stories and revelations has multiplayer and a hookblade