Go on ds suitcase then it will guide you there.
Yes, Animal Crossing Wild World is discontinued. You Can still get it online, but no stores sell it.
Yes they do!
Animal Crossing Wild World? If so, yes, you can get the game in stores. I bought mine in Game Stop.
Well Animal crossing wild world is already out tin stores, because my aunt bought it for my birthday present
you cant city folk is only for the wii... the animal crossing for ds is animal crossing wild world which can be found at most stores like bigw, game, eb games...
My, Brother and Farts. Why would you play that anyway? :P
the store will change upgrade but not move
Animal Crossing : Wild World is avalible at game stores and local supermarkets. If you struggle to find it , try to look on websites where you can order the game. I hope this helps a little bit x
You can not have a baby on Animal Crossing: Wild World
One for DS : Animal Crossing Wild World One for Wii : Animal Crossing Lets Go To The City One for Gamecube : Animal Crossing Wild World (Same title as Ds) :)
There is no animal crossing for the PSP.