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It's common to have arguments all through marriage, but it's how you learn to communicate together and try to understands each other's needs. If you don't neither of you will have a very successful relationship even with other mates. It takes work! Getting married at 17 is young, and she may feel she's missing out on her youth (missed something important.) You didn't mention if you had children so that could be another factor. My guess is you do have one or two children. This can cause some women to regret ever getting married (when younger) and she realized too late that she needs more in her life. Well, it's not too late and you should try to work with her on this one. Perhaps she wants to go to night classes and get some credits for school or she may want to take classes to get a career and be a working mother. Time to grow up and sit down and go over what it is she wants and what you want. A couple should communicate and try to understand the other's feelings and work on a solution to the problem that is fair to both parties. You could help by looking after the children, doing a little housework, helping her with her studies or at least encouraging her. Women are often intelligent and they deserve a break as well. Some women are willing to just stay home and raise their children (that's the biggest job a woman will ever have) and that's OK for some, but not always enough for others. Don't be afraid to take her out for the evening or a small trip somewhere. Get grandparents or good friends to look after your children so you can get away for a weekend. Let her know you are willing to try your best, but she has to tell you what she wants from you. Neither of you are happy and it's just from the lack of communication. Good luck

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Q: What should you do if you met your wife when she was 17 and you've been married 10 years and you argue about everything and she wants a divorce?
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