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It means a file or program is attached to another file or program, so that when the first file or program is run or moved then attaduded to it also , the first file or program takes the one attached to it along for the ride, like giving a biggy hence the term.

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11y ago
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11y ago

A piggyback upgrade is a conversion kit that that is designed for reloaders who are wanting to convert their single stage press into five station manual indexing progressive press.

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That would be called a piggyback ride.

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Getting a piggyback ride may or may not be flirting. It is not wrong for 12 year olds to give each other piggyback rides.

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Piggyback - 2008 was released on: USA: 2008 (DVD premiere)

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puede usted darme un paseo de piggyback

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The cast of Piggyback - 2007 includes: David Zoby as Piggy

How do you use word 'piggyback' in sentence?

My little brother was very tired, so I gave him a piggyback ride.

Are piggyback rides just a form of friendly horse play and friendly horsing around?

yes according to yahoo answers Piggyback rides are a friendly gesture piggyback rides are also known as horseback rides.

What does IVPB stand for?

intravenous piggyback

What actors and actresses appeared in Piggyback - 2008?

The cast of Piggyback - 2008 includes: Andrew Ruth as Jake Aaron Weisinger as Sam

How piggyback lunch works?

very easily

Have girls aloud given piggyback rides?

Yes, Cheryl gave Kimberly one when they first startd as a group, also they once had a piggyback race on a tv show