Only if there is arsenic present in the gunpowder to begin with - and arsenic isn't a common ingrediant in the product of gunpowder - or at least not that I have heard.
Burning gunpowder gives off gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen gas. Additionally, small amounts of sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide may also be produced depending on the exact composition of the gunpowder.
If you download minecraft from, or the homepage, you will not get viruses. Downloaded from anywhere else, or any *sales advertisements* (ex. Minecraft for only 10$) you may get a virus. Minecraft is safe, but the things you download for it or off of it may give you a virus.
The only way to edit some stuff on the server is to open the in the main Minecraft folder (or server folder if you made one) and there you can edit the world seed, turn monsters off, change or add a static IP address, etc.
I somehow doubt it, unless either the chemical reaction PRODUCE arsenic or arsenic is already contained in the gunpowder.
you can get minecraft mods and textures off the minecraft mods website.
Yes. Cordite is part of gunpowder so any recently fired gun will smell like cordite
You can set TNT off in Minecraft Beta by clicking it, or by triggering it with redstone.
The gunpowder is to blast the rocks blocking the cave entrance at the Vikings time (831 AD). The gunpowder is at the Great Wall of China (1593 AD).
gunpowder was first used in 919 in china :]:):]:)when a war was going off !!!and they used gun powder to defend back :)
you can get most minecraft mods off the minecraft mods website, or you can google.