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In general terms, a good counselor demonstrates abilities in two distinct but related ways. First, good counselors have tremendous 'people-skills' such as compassion, the ability and willingness to listen, the desire to help, a basic kindness, humility, and so on. Second, good counselors have highly developed intellectual capacities along with all of the relevant specialized and technical training now available (and in fact required) for those serving as professional counselors.

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Q: What makes a good counselor?
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What type of counselor makes the most money?

A child psychiatrist makes about half a million dollars a year in some markets. A marriage and family counselor has a steady clientele and can make over six figures.

What is a good sentence with prior?

The counselor had a prior engagement.

What college is a good place to go if you wanted to be a counselor?

burger knig.

To you capitalize counselor when it is after a name?

Yes, generally "counselor" is capitalized when it comes after a name as a title. For example, "John Smith, Counselor."

Is counselor a good name for one who gives advice?

I don't think so.

Where can I train to be a counselor?

There is a plethora of information online about counselor training. However, it's a good idea to take a class at your local community college to get a better understanding of the subject.

How much does a drug and alcohol counselor make?

My uncle is an alcohol and drug counselor I dont know how specific he makes but he is living in a 3 story house and he lives very fancy life

What will be a counselor may also called be?

The counselor should be a confidant. Someone that provides significant listening skills, as well as, good common sense opinions to help a person get their life on track. The counselor should most of all be non-judgemental and objective.

Which is correct spelling - counselor or counselor?

Counselor is the correct spelling.

Is a school counselor a good career?

It depends on whether or not you like to help kids for a living.

Is being a camp counselor actually fun and a good social scene?

Not always, but you can give it a try.

How do you successfully apply to business school?

Go to that school and speak face-to-face with a counselor. They will direct you to 'admissions', who will take your check and enroll you into the classes that the counselor has suggested for your 'business plan' -Good luck!