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He will learn counter at 3, force palm at level 6, endure at 11, quick attack at 14, metal claw at 22, drain punch at 32, aura sphere at 37, dragon pulse at 46, bone rush at 49, extremespeed at 53, crunch at 57, flash cannon at 62, iron head and iron tail at 69, focus punch at 73, psychic at 79, and fire punch, ice punch, and thunder punch can be learned by using a heart scale.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

it can learn aura sphere at lvl 37

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βˆ™ 14y ago

he learns bone rush at level 49.

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Q: What level will Lucario learn certain moves?
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What moves does Lucario learn?

aura sphere

What level does Lucario learn aura spear?

Lucario, an Aura Pokemon, learns aura spear at Start. Other moves Lucario can learn include power-up punch, low speed, brick break, and high jump kick.

In Pokemon diamond when will your Lucario learn aura storm?

Lucario doesn't learn aura storm. unfortunately that move is exclusive to super smash brothers brawl. to see all the moves Lucario can learn the link is below:

Do pokemons learn moves right after they level up?

only at certain levels.

Are these good moves for my Lucario it is level 58 and its moves are dragon pulse aura sphere dark pulse psychic?

yes there the same moves that cyntha the elite four champions lucario knows

What Pokemon type is most effective against Lucario?

Lucario- Fighting and Steel type. Lucario can learn moves of every type except for Grass and Flying type moves. However, Lucario's most powerful moves are Fighting Type so it is good to use Flying, Ghost, Poison, Psychic or Bug Types. As for what moves you should use, Fire, Fighting and Ground Type moves are all super effective.

Can Lucario learn water moves?

yes in heartgold ang soulsilver TM 3 water pulse

What level does sandslash learn moves?

Level when you get it

What moves does Lucario learn in Pokemon platinum?

by level a lucario can learn: dark pulse, quick attack, foresight, detect, metal claw, counter, force palm, feint, bone rush, metal sound, me first, swords dance, aura sphere, close combat, dragon pulse, and extremespeed well, i hope that answers your question

Are there reasons why my Pokemon has not learn any new moves?

because when you get to a certian level you have learnt all the moves it will learn by level

All of Lucario's moves? you can find all lucario moves

What moves does marshtomp learn and at what level does he learn them on sapphire?

marshtomp learns good moves in level 16 he learns mud shot but u have to train so it could learn good moves or just maake him learn moves by tm.