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Q: What kind of literary form is The Tortoise and the Hare?
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What the moral of The Tortoise and the Hare?

You have 3 options. 1 Tortoises are faster than hares. 2. Hares need more sleep than tortoises. 3. Slow and steady wins the race.

What is the biggest kind of Tortoise?

The Galapagos tortoise

How is the tortoise and the hare a fairy tale?

It is not, most people would consider it a fable. A fairy tail usually requires some kind of magic or supernatural forces. Talking animals don't count.

What are the types of literary form for stories and give an example of each kind?

An allegory

What kind of rabbit is a four lettler word?

"Hare" is a kind of rabbit with four letters.

A kind of rabbit with four letters?

The name for a rabbit that has four letters is called a hare. Hares generally have long ears and are fast runners.

What Hermes Tortoise mean?

it kind of means that Hermes is associated with the tortoise. he used it a shell of a tortoise to create a lyre (an instrument, like a harp) hope this helps..

What is the meaning of literary kind?

Literary kind refers to the genre or category of literature that a particular work of writing belongs to, such as fiction, poetry, drama, or non-fiction. It helps to classify and organize literature based on its style, form, and content.

Is hare a proper noun?

Yes, the noun 'hare' is a common noun, a general word for a type of mammal; a word for any hare of any kind.

What kind of tortoises are in the Mojave Desert?

The desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) is the kind of tortoise found in the Mojave Desert. This species is native to the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico. The desert tortoise is a protected species due to its vulnerable status in the wild.

What is a four letter word for a kind of rabbit?


What does tortoise eat?

Lettuce, vegies, fruit, that kind of thing.