The "Maplestory" game is classified as a "Massively Multiplayer Onlie Role-Playing Game"., or MMORPG for short. The game is free to download and play.
Gms has jett already
Try maplestory, search maplestory on google, u do have to download 3mb... But dat no biggy!
There are many MapleStory's like MapleSEA which is MapleStory in Asia. MapleGlobal which is America Maple Story and there is KoreaMaple which is MapleStory in Korea. There is many more soon to be launched and the game MapleStory was inspired by the anime "MapleStory".
Mabinogi, a game made by Nexon, is similar to Maplestory, only it is three dimensional.
i am pretty sure you can download maplestory on any kind of computer
In Korea, Maplestory is the #1 Free-to-Play computer game In America, Maplestory has an average rating of 3.7 according to polls
Reinstall your game!
yea, maplestory is, has been, and always will be, free