Actually you have it backwards. It goes: If red touches yellow you're a dead fellow, if red touches black, you're OK jack.
Black, Red and yellow.
from top to bottom yellow red yellow yellow black red red yellow red yellow yellow red yellow red red
green - walking wounded yellow - needs treatment but not critical red - critical black - dead
Three vertical stripes: (going from left to right) Black, yellow, red
The colors are red to red, black to black and yellow to yellow.
There is no such thing as Red Dead Redemption black there is only the regular Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption limited edition.
Coral snakes are deadly but milk snakes are fine. The Milk snakes look just look like coral snakes as a defense. The difference between the two (in appearence) is: Milksnakes have a pattern of: BLACK, RED, BLACK, YELLOW, BLACK, RED, BLACK, YELLOW, BLACK (ect) Coral snakes have a pattern of: BLACK, YELLOW, RED, YELLOW, BLACK, YELLOW, RED, YELLOW, BLACK, YELLOW (ect) A ryme that may help you to remember the difference is: RED BLACK, VENOUM LACK RED YELLOW, KILLS A FELLOW
The first line on the top of the olympic rins is blue, black and red then the bottom line is yellow then green. The order of them is blue, yellow, black, green and red.
blue, black, red, yellow, green
The phrase is "Red touches yellow - kill a fellow. Red touches black - venom lack." The coral snake's bands are arranged in the order red, yellow, black, yellow. The king snake's coloured bands are in the order red, black, yellow, black.
"Red touching black is a friend of Jack, red touching yellow can kill a fellow." This refers to the red, black and yellow rings around the coral snake. If the yellow and red rings are touching, you have a coral snake. If the red and black rings are touching, you probably have one of 25 subspecies of the king snakes.