Call of Duty had no worst selling games and the worst selling release would be for something that had a smaller market like Call of Duty Modern Warfare Reflex Edition which was only for the Nintendo Wii or Call of Duty World at War Final Fronts that was designed only for the PS2. Another example is the Call of Duty Roads to Victory for the PSP with lower sales than the two previously mentioned and also lower than the Nintendo DS Call of Duty Modern Warfare Mobilized. Another limited market release game was the Xbox 360 Call of Duty The War Collection.
The worst is black ops! Its surprising people acctually liked waw and mw2 better. Waw was the best until MW2 came along!
A lvl 1 CPU
Xbox 360 - ablettalan psn - yilmaz_turk666
No it is really fun :D. better than constant FPS's like CoD and Battlefield. Its different and in my opinion better. :L
Modern Warfare 3 is definately going to be the next cod game.
cod is the best game series out there. play it! its so awsome!
Yes. How could a CoD game not have multiplayer?
Superman64 is the worst N64 game
CoD "Black Ops" is coming out November 9, 2010.