0 Prestige: 51 Prestige: 62 Prestige: 63 Prestige: 74 Prestige: 75 Prestige: 86 Prestige: 87 Prestige: 98 Prestige: 99 Prestige: 1010 Prestige: 10
0 Prestige: 51 Prestige: 62 Prestige: 63 Prestige: 74 Prestige: 75 Prestige: 86 Prestige: 87 Prestige: 98 Prestige: 99 Prestige: 1010 Prestige: 10
After you prestige you get a prestige token
It's different every time you prestige.Prestige 1 = 6 ClassesPrestige 3 = 7 ClassesPrestige 5 = 8 ClassesPrestige 7 = 9 ClassesPrestige 9 = 10 Classes
0 Prestige: 5 1 Prestige: 6 2 Prestige: 6 3 Prestige: 7 4 Prestige: 7 5 Prestige: 8 6 Prestige: 8 7 Prestige: 9 8 Prestige: 9 9 Prestige: 10 10 Prestige: 10
0 Prestige: 5 1 Prestige: 6 2 Prestige: 6 3 Prestige: 7 4 Prestige: 7 5 Prestige: 8 6 Prestige: 8 7 Prestige: 9 8 Prestige: 9 9 Prestige: 10 10 Prestige: 10
0 Prestige: 5 1 Prestige: 6 2 Prestige: 6 3 Prestige: 7 4 Prestige: 7 5 Prestige: 8 6 Prestige: 8 7 Prestige: 9 8 Prestige: 9 9 Prestige: 10 10 Prestige: 10
The Tagalog term for "prestige" is "karangalan."
After you reach 70 you have to get more xp to be able to prestige (around 80k xp). Every odd prestige (1,3,5,7,9) you get a new custom class. You get a new emblem and title for every prestige. You can prestige a total of 10 times. When you first prestige you gain the prestige challenges in the challenges section and prestige challenges for weapons. These prestige challenges DO NOT reset when you prestige again.
Yes 1 per prestige.
You get the option to be able to "Prestige" when you reach level 70. Once you prestige, you will get titles corresponding to the number of times you have prestiged. E.g: Prestige 1 = The Prestige Prestige 2 = Round 2 Prestige 3 = Third Time Charm Prestige 4 = 4 The Record etc...