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Q: What is the song from the Halo 2 commercial?
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The song that plays on the commercial where the spartan is shot down with the bomb? If so that song is "Deliver Hope". :)

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What is the sing on Halo 3 commercial?

if the commercial u are talking about is the "believe" commercial with all of the sculptures of halo characters fighting then the song is "raindrop prelude" by Chopin. whereas if it is the official trailer then it is finish the fight by martin o'donnel

What is the song from Halo 3 believe commercial?

Chopin - Raindrops Prelude Op 25 no 15

In the beginning of the Halo games there's a song. What is it called?

Halo Theme. It varies slightly between Halo 1, 2, and 3.

Who sings that song halo halo or hello hello song?

If it is the same song I am thinking about then it is sung by Beyonce and the song is called Halo.

When the song halo came out?

The halo song came out in 2001

Who had a hit with the song halo?

Beyoncé has a current hit with the song Halo.

What is the real name of the Halo 2 theme song?


Why did Breaking Benjamin write the song 'Blow you Away'?

He wrote the song for Halo 2. It's on the soundtrack.