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Q: What is the removal of glitches called?
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What is the removal of half of the stomach called?

It is the removal of half of the stomach called a gastroectomy

Are there glitches in Halo 3?

yes there are quite a few glitches left on halo 3 quite a few are on sandtrap, the best place to look is on youtube by a person called cmnier. his glitches are ones that you won't expect. there are over 101 glitches on halo3 alone !!!!! have a look! =) cp pwner =) here for anything =)

What is the Filipino word for glitches?

The Filipino word for glitches is "bara" or "salungat."

What is it called when they remove a growth from your head?

There is a brain teaser that goes "The removal of an appendix is called an appendectomy. The removal of tonsils is called a tonsillectomy. What do you call the removal of a growth from the head?" The answer is "a haircut."

What is the removal of testes?

The removal of both testes is called castration.

How do you use facebook credits on FrontierVille?

You can't. There is no Frontierville anymore. It's now called Pioneer Trail and has a bunch of glitches.

What are some glitches for smallworlds?

The Clothing Glitches!

What are the glitches on secretbuilders?

there are no glitches there just bugs

Is there any glitches in RuneScape?

There were emote glitches which were soon fixed by JaGex. There are RuneScape Bugs but not glitches.

How do you say glitches in Tagalog?

The word "glitches" in Tagalog is "tiklop" or "kapintasan."

Removal of waste products in the body is called?

The removal of waste products from the body is called excretion

What is it called to surgically removal the spllen?

Splenectomy is the surgical removal of the spleen.