Theres no official thing for this but my friends got to 33 rounds
its not on kino der toten
You don't there is no Easter egg that has been found and confirmed
no idea, but kino de toten is getting very annoying
I would have to say its your opinion, but many people do enjoy Kino De Toten, Call of the Dead, Ascension and the World at War maps.
They don't- only zombies do in Nacht der Untoten (night of the undead)You may be thinking of kino de toten on black ops though- in which case there is. It has beware of the six on one of the walls I believe, and that's indicating that they come every six rounds, which they do. I played kino de toten and got to round 22 and they came on the sixth, twelfth and 18th round (every six rounds).
right first u need online then turn on the power go back 2 the room 2 the right of the lobby upstairs then mule kick should be there
There are Kino Der Toten, Five, Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri-La and Dead Ops arcade. Rezurrection DLC will include the 4 WAW maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, & Der Riese along new zombie map Moon The Nintendo DS game also has different maps
Father Kino, full name Eusebio Francisco Kino, died on March 15, 1711 in Magdalena de Kino, Sonora, Mexico.
you have to hack using programs like Modio , Horizon or XPort360 i recomend Modio email me at i can answer any questions about black ops 1 black ops 2 and world at war i know all secrets glitches hacks etc...
u dont, u keep playin
The cast of Kino im Kopf - 1996 includes: Barbara de Koy Christoph Dostal Cleo Kretschmer Michael Schottenberg Johannes Silberschneider