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To show that the equal education which already exists will be lost if an attempt is made to school colored and white children together

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Q: What is the purpose of the reference to Aesop's fable of the dog and the meat?
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What is the significance of Aesops fable of the dog and the meat?

This fable illustrates the concept of greed and the consequences it can have. The dog let go of what it had in pursuit of more and ended up losing everything. It serves as a reminder to be content with what you have and not be overly greedy.

What is the purpose of the references to Aesop fable of the dog and the meat?

To show that the equal education which already exists will be lost if an attempt is made to school colored and white children together

How do you give meat to the demon door in fable?

kick a chickin in it's mouth

Why was the purpose of inventing the meat slicer?

Slicing meat.

What is a meat breeder?

A meat breeder is someone who breeds animals for the sole purpose of slaughtering for meat.

What purpose does a meat cuber serve?

A meat cuber serves a purpose of tenderizing meat. A meat cuber can be used to prepare cube steak and cutlets from wild game, beef, pork, mutton and lamb.

What is the purpose of a turkey?

the main purpose of turkey is their meat. scienctist shows that the most important thing a turkey produce for human life is their meat

What are 2 purpose for a sheep?

Wool and meat.

What was the purpose of the gauze in the experiment using meat in a jar?

The purpose was so the flies won't get in the jar.

How fat can you get in fable 3?

drink lots of beer and eat alot of meat from the stall vendors in brightwall will cost about 15 to 21 gold pieces.And the beer is in the bar right of the meat stall.

If you are fasting can you eat meat?

No, the purpose of fasting is to not eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Goat is in use for what purpose?

To produce meat, milk and/or fibre.