The phone number to Papa Pete's Pizza is 555-PETE (555-7383). Call for a pizza from the motel office, and deliver it to Bucky Lucas in room 4-B.
To order pizza the phone number is: 555-7383
i think it is 555 bill
No. There is no other valid number for the motel phone.
in the motel office
The phone number for Papa Pete's Pizza is in the magazine that had the show application form. It is 555-7383 (555-PETE). You can call for a pizza from the Motel Office phone.
The letters are the numbers 7383. The phone number is 555-7383 to order a pizza from Papa Pete's Pizza.
555-PETE is 555-7383 (numbers have letters)This is the phone number from the magazine you got your application from.
If you look on the phone (or any phone) you see that letters are assigned to numbers, which is the way phone numbers were first assigned by prefix. The number 555-PETE is the same as 555-7383.
Letters are numbers. Look under them!!
The phone number to Papa Pete's Pizza is 555-PETE (555-7383). Call for a pizza from the motel office, and deliver it to Bucky Lucas in room 4-B.