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the password is very simple when you have the three cards or you can guess it the true password is Lazar hair removal.

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Q: What is the password BAD control center?
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What is the code to the bad control center?

the code for the B.A.D control center is kissmyass

Where is the BAD control center on spy island?

The BAD control center is to the far right of Spy island, past Toupee Terrace. You can only enter the control center when you have rescued all 3 spies and have the Fingerprint from the BAD Bistro. (see the related question)

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Were is the BAD control center in poptropica?

spy island

Where is the BAD control center in poptropica?

Spy island

How do you get into the BAD control center in poptropica?

You need the goggles

BAD control center on poptropica?

yes there is one

How can you get into bad control center?

smack somebody you dont know

How do you enter bad control center in poptropica?

Dodge all of the lasers.

How do you get in the bad guys lair on spy island?

The satellite control center

How do you decode the Computer password on spy island?

The three overlays given to you by the rescued spies will line up to show the passwords "LASER HAIR REMOVAL". On the transporter at the BAD control center, you need to enter each word separately.

How do you get past the lasers outside the bad control center?

Use the xray glasses