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alligator, tree and snake

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Q: What is the obelisk code for the quest defeat Krokhotep in Emperor's Retreat?
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Where did Germany retreat to after the british defeat?

They didn't retreat. They had occupied most of Europe.

What forced Confederate to retreat back into Virginia on September 1862?

Their defeat by McClellan at Antietam.

Can Celebi defeat obelisk the tormentor?

no celibi wood just fly around for 2 secs before gettin steped on and die

Can obelisk the tormentor defeat exodia?

You can use Obelisk The Tormentor in a duel ONLY if it is the one released in an issue of Shonen Jump (Card ID will be JUMP-EN037). This card has an effect listed, and the back of the card is normal so it cannot be considered marked.

How do you become a obelisk blue on Yugioh gx duel academy?

you could be a member of obelisk blue by being a superior duelist (won 50 duels and completed at least 50 timed duels.)

Why did Sam Houston retreat during March and April of 1836?

He did not have the strength in his army to defeat the Mexicans.

How many times did Vikings defeat Rome?

never, the Romans frequently defeated or bought the Vikings. Byzantine Emperors used vikings as bodyguards

Why was Shiloh concidered a confederate defeat?

Because the Confederates had to retreat after their brilliant commander Sidney Johnston was killed - and it resulted in the further retreat from Corinth (a key rail junction), which made it inevitable that Grant would eventually control the Mississippi valley.

What event was important in the French defeat in the French and Indian War?

The Frenchs crops were slowly dying, resulting in starvation, and the French were forced to retreat

What helped the retreat of General Pope's army after his defeat at the Second Battle of Bull Run?

When General George B. McClellan held back two of his corps from reinforcing General Pope, it was far too late to help avoid Pope's defeat. What the two corps of McClellan's army did do, however, was to cover Pope's retreat from Lee's attempt to outflank Pope's Army of Virginia.

Are the yu-gi-oh god cards be killed?

Of course. Only Exodia is unbeatable. In fact, if you have watched the show you should know that Yugi, Ishizu and Joey defeated Slifer, Obelisk and the Winged Dragon of Ra. In the real game there are many ways to defeat them. They ARE powerful but not invincible. Obelisk is only affected by spell cards since traps don' t work with him.

What does rout mean in English?

Rout means a chaotic retreat of soldiers from a battlefield. These soldiers are said to lack discipline or courage. A routed army has lost any sense of unification and is thus defenceless. In many instances more soldiers died in a rout than in battle.