Mage: Arcane arcane arcane!(fuk) very glitchy...
Shaman: Totems!(heal, mana, damage)
Druid: battle form, healer, melee
Priest: mostly healer, shadow preist do some damage
Hunter: you got a pet... and guns... an all the aggro... and you die, alot
Rogue: sneeky, one shots in stealth to most targets, melee
Warlock: Shadow Crit hitting is ... well pwnage.
Warrior: dual wielding 2hand swords
Paladin: like a warrior an a priest had a baby, can be a raid healer or tank
Deathnight: (from blizzard with love <3) Your really cheap...
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The top dps classes are : (Assassination) Rogue, (Fire) Mage, (Combat Rogue), (Demo and Aff) Warlock,(Marksman)Hunter, (Feral) Druid, (Shadow) Priest, (Fury) Warrior,(Ret) Pally,(Enh) Shammy,(Surv) Hunter, (Destro) Warlock,(Arc) Mage,(Elemental) Shammy ,(Balance) Druid, (Arms) Warrior,(BM) Hunter, (Sub) Rogue, then last and least (Frost) Mage.Don't know where the DK's are listed but most likey right behind the Warlock and in front of the Hunter if not, right below Hunter)
There is no class on Guild Wars that does the most damage. Guild wars is a very balanced game and therefore all classes should do about the same amount of damage. If not, players will report it and guild wars will eventually(about 2-4 months) fix it and make the game balanced again.
Like many things in World of Warcraft, there is no such thing as a "best" healer. Each healer type has its own strength and weaknesses. It will be up to you to determine which kind of healer you like to play best.
Druid healers spend most of their time in Tree of Life form, and are masters of heal-over-time effects. Rejuvenation and Lifebloom are spells that heal a little bit over some time, while Regrowth gives an instant heal and leaves a HoT effect on the target. Nourish is a direct healing spell which becomes stronger if there are more HoTs on the target.
Druids can use Wild Growth to place a HoT on up to 5 targets at once. Druids also have an ability that consumes a HoT on a target for a single heal just as big as the HoT would have healed.
Druids are also the only healer who can battle rez, meaning to revive a character from death while in combat.
The disadvantage of a Druid is that while they can heal many targets for a bit, their single-target big heals are weaker.
There are two kinds of Priest healers: Holy and Discipline. Priests of either kind have a large toolkit of heals, using Renew to place a HoT, using Flash Heal for fast healing or a Greater Heal for a big but slow heal. Prayer of Mending is a heal that waits for the target to get damaged before it is triggered, and then jumps to another character. Priests also have a Divine Hymn, which heals many low-health targets but needs to be channeled to keep it going.
Holy priests gain the use of Guardian Spirit, which increases healing on the target and saves the target from dying if its health drops to 0. A Holy Priest who takes the Spirit of Redemption talent will turn into a spirit if they die, allowing them to keep healing for a short while after death. They also gain a powerful AoE heal called Circle of Healing.
Discipline Priests specialize in using Power Word: Shield - while Holy Priests can use it just fine, Discipline have much more powerful shields and gain mana back if one of their shields is dispelled or consumed.
Priests have no real weaknesses, except that their large toolkits may make them a bit harder to learn to use effectively.
The Shaman has Healing Wave, which is a relatively fast and powerful heal, and can use a Chain Heal effect to heal multiple targets at once. They can place an Earth Shield on a target, which will heal the target every time it is attacked.
Shamans also have additional healing provided by their totems, which can provide health or armor to those within their range. Should the shaman be killed in battle, they can also raise themselves from the dead using Reincarnation and continue healing.
Riptide is a spell that provides a heal as well as leaving a Hot behind on the target.
Using Bloodlust, a Shaman can greatly increase the speed at which the group casts and attacks, which also greatly enhances their healing output.
Shamans suffer if they have to move a lot, since their casting times and totems keep them in one place for most of the time.
Paladins have very fast and efficient heals, and have often been cited as the best tank healers. Their forte is being able to heal a lot for a long time before running out of mana. Using proper talents and glyphs, they can land a big heal (Holy Light) and also heal characters near their target for a small bit.
Paladin healers use an ability called Beacon of Light, which duplicates all heals they cast onto the person whom they have their beacon on. Essentially, this allows them to heal two targets with the same heals.
Paladins have a large toolkit to save others, including Hand of Sacrifice to take some of their target's damage for them, Divine Shield which allows them to become immune to attacks for a short while, and Hand of Salvation to save people who have drawn the attention of a big monster. They can also use Hand of Protection on another person to make them immune to attacks for a few seconds.
Paladins have an ability called Laying on Hands which instantly heals a target for as much health as the Paladin has.
The weakness of a Paladin is that they struggle if they need to heal many targets at once, and while fast, their heals are not instant-cast. As they have no real HoT effects, targets receive no healing unless they are actually casting heals.
Finally, some of their abilities are very powerful, but cannot be used on the same target at once.
wheel of wow wheel of wow
It depends on the community. I believe the most popular class in general is Pyro.
WoW. MoshiMonsters, webkins, secondLife...
Human for the Alliance. Orc for the Horde
wow stands for wonderfully out(of the)way. A very popular video game called 'World of war'
Last time I checked it was the most popular game, I've heard as much as 80% of gamers play it.
There is no 'BEST' class in wow. Each class has its strengths and weaknesses and can be overcome by another player who is better.
A witch but that is not a class in WoW.
In the online game, World of Warcraft or WoW, there is one class that can use a spell called hex. That class is a shaman, characterized by their versatility, healer/dps status, and mail armor.
A boy who was born in 2003 and was the 5th most popular in his class