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Try Nibelung from 25 man Lady Deathwhisper in Icecrown Citedel its awesome because while fighting it has a chance to summon Valkyres to fight with you

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Q: What is the most badass looking staff for a mage in World of warcraft?
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What is the Staff of the Friar?

A lvl 19 twink staff in World of Warcraft.

Where is apprentices staff in World of Warcraft?

to ask any questions go to the ? on your tool bar on world of warcraft then go to speak with person and ask a question or go to

Where alliance Warcraft train staff?

Woo Ping, in Stormwind City.

Why you looking for opportunity as a staff nurse in Singapore rather in Malaysia?

I am not looking for an opportunity as Staff Nurse in Singapore or Malaysia. Are you?

In in World of Warcraft what level do warlocks learn to use staffs?

Warlocks learn to use staves at any level, you just need to go to a weapon master with 9 Silver 50 Copper and buy the staff Training. :O)

What is the best druid staff for level 41 in World of Warcraft?

Depends on if you are feral or balance or resto.Resto Druids: Staff of Jordan --- Epic Staff with 11 intellect and 11 spirit and increases spell power by 26. WORLD DROP very rare.Balance Druids: See Resto Druids, they use about the same gear at that level.Feral Druids:Cat Form (DPS) --- Ironshod Bludgeon -- Rare staff with 20 strength and 8 staminaBear Form(tank) --- Advisor's Gnarled Staff -- Rare staff with 14 stamina and 8 intellectOf course, i am not including the BoA Staffs in this. Those would be the abosolute best for you. They scale as you gain levels and do not need repairing.

How do you spell stuff meaning employees?

The collective noun staff is used for the people working for an organization or agency.

Why is alternative staffing is here to stay?

Because staff are scared of the world so get alternative staff.

How many staff does qantas have world wide?

Qantas employs around 30,000 staff worldwide.

What is a good weapon for a level 36 priest in World of Warcraft?

Quite a specific level, but there's a staff that drops from a rare spawn in the instance "Razorfen Crawl" that has some nice stats on it. Although, in "Razorfen Downs" there's a nice offhand that goes well with a mace from the last bosses in Scarlet Monastery Cathedral.

What is placed at the beginning of the staff to show the pitch of each line and space of that staff?

it is the cleff I think what you are looking for is the key signature.

Can the hospital staff listen in on your conversations in your private room where you have an intercom?

yes they steal you puding when your not looking