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The mind is described as that part of human beings which controls thinking and behavior. It is that part of us which distinguishes us from all other living species. The mind is what gives us knowledge about ourselves and the world around us and transmits that knowledge by way of language. Language is organized sounds or symbols which convey meaning. Without language, we really would cease to exist as a species. For language is a major factor in such areas as science, religion, and commerce. It is the most effective way in which we convey information about ourselves and the world. The mind is what gives us emotions such as joy, sorrow, fear, and anger. These emotions are triggered by external circumstances or events. Joy is the emotion we derive from some agreeable or pleasurable circumstance. Sorrow comes from tragic circumstances such as the death of loved ones. Fear is what causes us to withdraw from circumstances that we see as dangerous or painful. Anger is a response to some injury caused by another that seeks to confront or punish that person who injured us. There are also certain mental attitudes that are considered praiseworthy by society such as courage which is firmness of mind in the midst of danger, pain, or opposition. Motivation is another mental aspect which compels us to work hard in order to achieve our goals and is a major factor in every human endeavor. The mind can also be afflicted by disorders just like the body. A psychosis is a severe mental disorder which causes one to lose touch with the real world. A neurosis is a mild mental disorder in which the person is still in touch with the real world but in which thinking and behavior are affected by unreasonable emotion such as fear or anxiety. In certain religions, such as Christianity, the mind is separated from the body after death and experiences either eternal happiness or misery in another world (heaven or hell, or in the case of Catholicism, purgatory) according to one's behavior during his or her life on earth.
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