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Q: What is the middle man between you and content on the web?
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What is the middleman between you and content on the web?

A browser is the middleman between you and content on the web.

What is the middleman between you and the content on the web?

A browser is the middleman between you and content on the web.

What is the space between the page content and the edges of the page?

The space between a page's content and the edge of the page is called "margin" in printing, as well as web design.

What is the connection between two web documents?

The connection between two web documents is often established through hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are clickable elements that direct users from one web document to another, allowing for seamless navigation between related or referenced content. By clicking on a hyperlink, users can easily access additional information, resources, or related content on the web.

What does the main content of a webpage belongs inside?

The main content of a web page normally resides between the <body> and </body> HTML tags.

Web Content Mangement?

form_title=Web Content Mangement form_header=Manage your content through web based interfaces. What type of content you need hosted?=_ Is your web content already hosted in an accessible place?= () Yes () No How many people need access to the system?=_

When using HTML web content is referred to as what?

Visible content

What is Redundancy in web application?

Duplicated content or unneccessary content

When was IBM Lotus Web Content Management created?

IBM Lotus Web Content Management was created in 2003.

What is web content management?

Before deciding on your web content management make sure you have a scope on your companies overall needs. Web content management will help you in maintaining and organizing your companies critical information.

What is the main purpose of web crawler program?

To create meta tags for web content

What would go in the content in a website?

Basically a web content must constitute of SEO keywords and a breief description of web.