

Best Answer

You can't actually change your name unless you have a valid reason for a change. You will need to contact stardoll staff from the help section. If your username was accepted a change then you can change it. If that doesn't work, you will need to send stardoll a personal letter about why you want your username changed. The stardoll official customer support e-mail (proof in the help section). Your letter should look something like this:


I am (your username), a stardoll member and I would like my username (your username) changed to (whatever name you want) because...(your reason).

Thank you very much,

(your username or name)

If that doesn't work, get a lot of people to report your username and then send stardoll a message telling them that your username is bothering people and that you would like a change.

Hope this was helpful,

cutie_noura (

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11y ago
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14y ago

u can get the link 3 days after u are a stardoll staff here are the ways to be a stadoll staff

in order of this 2 work u MUST have 2 w8 for a week

and MUST inform me so i could enable the code i MUST know your username so

i could activate it on your account only

u wanna know the stardoll admin code

the code is 952603952603 u dont hav 2 b superstar

dont send me a gift pls but u suppose 2 b 13 up

first try this go 2 ur page and add the code if that doesn't work change ur pw using that code w8 for like a day or 2 then log in ull see u can edit things ull find out u can

3 days after u a staff the moment u log in 2 stardoll ull see that you have 2 put in u home address ur phone # its because stardoll is trying 2 send u a beginer book good luck

remember all this may take up 2 a week

once you are a stardoll staff every year stardoll will be sending you a superstar code

source: i was previously a stardoll admin :]

my username in stardoll is -omg-stardoll-

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13y ago

Under the club image there is a link called "change name/delete club".

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13y ago

You're person? (Avatar?)

Go into the beauty parlor and change as much as you want-

As for your username- you can't.

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12y ago

you have to put in a email and save it and if you want to change it you look and find a sign that says oops i want to change my email

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13y ago

Sorry you can't after you've already have.

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