An "AFK Bot" is a computer-controlled player in an internet game. (AFK Stands for "Away From Keyboard").
AFK is an acronym used in texting and other internet communications. The acronym AFK directly means away from keyboard and is used when you can not type at the moment.
AFK stands for 'Away From Keyboard'. The meaning is self-explanatory: if you leave your computer or console without disconnecting from the game, you are AFK.Usually a player who does nothing in an online game for long periods of time is either AFK or in some kind of UI (such as a chat box).AKF is also referred to AFK, often mispelled.It is an internet slang, which means 'Away From Keyboard'.It's short for "away from keyboard" when your sending a text examples:brb,ttyl, and g2g, or gr8
//afk and it makes u sleep =]
YAF means in internet slang your a f*ck
just type /afk
The wildly popular internet slang 'GR8 ' stands for great
AFK scripting is against DragonRealms policy.
SOS or soz as it is more commonly used is the internet slang for sorry
OMG- Oh My God AFK - Away from Keyboard
AFK Union Žižkov was created in 1907.