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sora's highest level up is...................................99 I've done it and an easy way to do it is go to pride lands and go to the the top of pride rock and use magnet until all the the heartless are gone and repeat.

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14y ago

The Max Level you can get to is Level 99.

For Drive Forms it's Level 7.

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Q: What is the highest level in Kingdom Hearts II?
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Kingdom Hearts II happened in 2005.

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Kingdom Hearts II was created on 2005-12-22.

Can you play Kingdom Hearts on a ps3?

Yes. You can play Kingdom Hearts I and Kingdom Hearts II on the PlayStation3.

What are the cheats for Kingdom Hearts 2?

There are no in-game cheats for Kingdom Hearts II.

How many Kingdom Hearts games are there for the ps2?

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You can't fight Riku in Kingdom Hearts II.

Does Riku die in Kingdom Hearts 2?

No. Riku never dies in Kingdom Hearts II.

Which Kingdom Hearts game does roxas apperar in?

Roxas first appears in Kingdom Hearts II.