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Cynthea the master's highest Pokemon league level is;

FINAL BATTLEChampion Cynthia$13200

SpiritombGHO / DRKLv 61

GastrodonWTR / GRDLv 60

MiloticWTRLv 63

GarchompDRG / GRDLv 66

LucarioFTG / STLLv 63

RoseradeGRS / PSNLv 60

these all all hard so come fully prepared with high leved pokemon,lots hyper potions and loads of revives so you have a full combo to defeat Pokemon league and continue your journey to other exciting places! If you choose to battle them again Bertha (groungd type) has a Ryperior (evolution of Rhyhorn-Rhydon-Rhyperior) level 71.

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13y ago

level 100 :)

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The highest levels for pokemon is 100.

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The highest a pokemon could be is level 100.

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It could be any level. Depending on the Pokemon your using with the highest level.

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There is no level 1,000 in the Pokemon games. The highest possible level for a Pokemon is level 100.

Where do you get level 100 Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

You can't get it, unless you train a Pokemon to level 100. The highest level wild Pokemon is arceus which is lv80, and you need an event for that, but without and event you can only get an lv47 Dalgia/Palkia for the highest level wild Pokemon.