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I don't think so. I beat it without a problem.

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there is none sadly

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Q: What is the glitch on wimpy wonderland?
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How do you not look at the salad on wimpy wonderland?

you have to look at the salad but if you minimize the screen while you are eating it then you will keep it down when you are not clicking on your avatar. This is just a glitch in wimpy wonderland and may be fixed soon.

What if the snowplow man doesn't show up on wimpy wonderland?

He will come if he dosnt its a computer glitch

What if the snow plow diver is not there in wimpy wonderland poptropica?

it is probably a glitch, or you have already beat the game

What the website for wimpy wonderland?

Wimpy Wonderland is an island on Poptropica.

Were is gramma's house on wimpy wonderland?

At the left end of wimpy wonderland.

Where is the guide on wimpy wonderland?

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What is wimpy wonderland?

Wimpy wonderland is an island based off the book series, "Diary of a wimpy kid." It is an island on Poptropica.

How do you get in to wimpy wonderland?


How do you solve wimpy wonderland?

See the related question below for the complete walkthrough of Wimpy Wonderland.

Where do you find the cake on wimpy wonderland?

There is no cake on Wimpy Wonderland. You may have some bad information.

Where do you go next when manny is out of school in Wimpy Wonderland?

If you type how do beat wimpy wonderland? in the box above it will give you all of the steps to beat the whole island of wimpy wonderland.

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its called wimpy wonderland...