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Q: What is the genetic code that makes us all different?
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What way is the genetic code in all organisms the same?

In every organism, genetic code is made of DNA and RNA that was inherited from their parents. Also, every organism's genetic code has the same codons that code for the same amino acids.

The genetic code is different in nearly all organisms?


Do all organisms share the same genetic code?

Yes, all organisms use the same genetic code, where sequences of three nucleotides (codons) in DNA and RNA correspond to specific amino acids in proteins. This universal genetic code is a fundamental feature of all life on Earth.

Does prokaryotic cells use DNA to code genetic information?

Yes. With the exception of some viruses which use RNA, all organisms on Earth code their genetic information on DNA. In some cases prokaryotes use a modified genetic code where a few codons will have different meanings than they do in eukaryotes, but broadly speaking, the DNA genetic code is a universal feature of all known organisms.

Genetic engineering is possible because all organisms are based on the same?

Genetic engineering is possible because all organisms share a similar genetic code with DNA as the universal genetic material. This allows scientists to transfer genes between different species or manipulate existing genes to create desired traits. This shared genetic code provides a foundation for genetic engineering to function effectively across various organisms.

How can you all be genetically different from each other if the genetic code is universal?

While the genetic code is universal, variations in the arrangement and sequences of genes within each individual's genome lead to genetic differences. These variations can arise from mutations, genetic recombination, and other mechanisms that occur over time. Additionally, environmental factors can also influence gene expression and contribute to individual genetic diversity.

What is a genetic wheel?

Because of four different bases, there are 64 possible three-base codons (4x4x4=64). the genetic wheel shows all 64 possible codons of the genetic code.

All organisms have a genetic code made of?

All organisms have a genetic code made of these three nucleotide sequences called codons.

What could be contained in the nucleus of all cells and is unique to individuals?

DNA is contained in the nucleus and everyone's genetic code is different..

All known organisms transcribe genetic information via the same genetic code This finding supports what hypothesis?

This is not true. in a single human cell, mitochondrial genes use a different genetic code than the rest of the genome.

Is there another genetic code besides DNA?

N, all currently know Animals and Plants have DNA as their genetic code.

What carries genetic code?

The genetic code of organisms is carried by the DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid. It is inherited by children from their parents.The genetic code is carried by the DNA molecule. The DNA molecule is the one that stores all genetic information for most living things.