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the advantges of wireless are there is no wires!! :) x

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Sofia Langosh

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2y ago
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11y ago
AdvantagesEffective business messages meet several objectives beyond conveying information. The business message provides a permanent record of a communication that can be referenced multiple times or used as evidence. You can transmit a message using different channels, overcoming geographic or time zone barriers unlike in face-to-face communication. The receipt of a written message is not subject to a delay that might otherwise occur if the delivery was dependent on the scheduling of a meeting. In addition, you can revise a message multiple times before delivery to ensure it meets with your intent. You can also create and deliver a message at a low cost and with great efficiency. DisadvantagesMessage recipients might not understand the information as presented, which leads to the need for you to clarify information and perhaps delay business decisions or processes. In addition, no assurance can be provided as to the receipt of the message, message interpretation or of the confidentiality of the message content. The business message is transmitted from one location to another and, as a result, you won't have access to non-verbal cues that facilitate communication. Business messages also lead to spontaneous communication, which could result in ill-thought-out messages with unfortunate consequences. In addition, business messages are not constrained by spatial barriers, which can lead to unforeseen collaboration with unintended recipients.
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8y ago

There are many advantages of communication in today's today we can make social groups, chat with friends that we haven't met since a long time, we can share messages, pictures,videos online, and lots more!

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11y ago


1. there ar no advantages or disadvantages and if you are doing something that includes this then you are boring!!

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