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Apert of the name, you can get Wii Ware on the Wii shop channel You cannot buy WiiWare in store

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Q: What is the difference between Wii games and Wii ware games?
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What Wii ware games are free?


Do you have to pay for Wii ware games?

Ofcourse, they're games.

How do you get wii ware games to your ds lite?

You can't do that. Closest is DSiware games on a DSi.

Can you play Wii ware games on the ds?

No, you can't since the DS and the Wii are two different consoles.

Can you play Wii games online on the Wii U and is the connection better?

Wii games can be played online with the Wii U. However, there should be no difference in the connection quality between the two systems.

You recently had your Wii stolen and bought a new Wii you had Wii ware on the stolen one can you get your old Wii ware onto the new Wii without paying?

unfortunately, to prevent giving games to other people without paying, you cannot. you will have to pay again.

How do you download free wii ware and virtualconsole games?

Google wad manager 1.5

How many games are available that can be played on the Wii?

As of today, there are 767 games available for the Wii including regular retail disc releases and download only Wii Ware and Virtual Console releases.

Can you buy super smash bros melee on wii ware?

at the moment no just buy the game its for the gamecube but you can play gamecube games on your wii.

What is the difference between wii and wii2?

i dont really know the difference between them because they both have the same type of games like-mario,zelda and otters

What is the difference between the Wii and Wii U?

Wii U is handheld.

Can you sell your games from Wii ware for points?

No,I Bought Super Mario 64 In Wii Ware for 1000 points and now i searching for a control Game Cube its bad S-S Ok,dont possible bb