no unless you had a gameshark i think but NO
You can't have unlimited master balls although u can give the master ball to a Pokemon and duplicate it at battle frontier
no way, except you use cheat
00028001000009970453020675017300000000 There ya go now enjoy
The only way to cheat it is on Pokemon emerald when you go to the battle frontier there will be this place with a guy asking you if you want to clone your Pokemon so I gave the master ball to my rayquaza and cloned it then I had two master balls then I kept doing it and that's basically it
Just clone a Pokemon holding a masterball at the battle frontier check pkmn cloning on youtube.
you have to cheat
There is no legitimate cheat to get the Dragonscale item in Pokemon Emerald. You would have to hack the game with an action replay.
I don't know of any for sapphire, but you can send Pokemon from sapphire to emerald clone in emerald and send it back to sapphire. Here's the cheat. Go to the battle frontier, then the battle tower, then go to the ninth box in the PC, and empty it of all Pokemon. Then, put the Pokemon you want to close into that box, holding an item you want cloned. Then, save the game, and turn the console off. Turn it back on and withdraw the Pokemon. Then, talk to the woman closest to the right. Choose an open battle and choose Pokemon other than the one you put into the PC. When she's saving your process, turn the concole off, then turn it back on and there the Pokemon will be in your party and box 9.
Use a gameshark.