The Godzhell site developer made the perfect ring and the armadyl godsword to be the best equipment in the game but there will be even better ones then these
the code for ags godsword is: 35 bandos godsword :667 and sara godsword is: 6006
uh well, if you dont know the game godzhell (cluely they don't) you use a shinny key, lava item, and null to make you a godsword. but the trick is which lava item is it? well i know it but you must figure it out yourself. Goodluck!
type this code: ::tele 02340 03170 and go to member shop the shookeeper sell dragon armours (by ginesin13 (name in game) )
Armadyl Godsword Zammorak Godsword Saradomin Godsword Bandos Godsword
there is none you have to customize a "null" item then get some codes to make it look like a godsword you have to make the exact stats for it use a graphic program to make it look exactly like a godsword. hope that help ya ;).
You turn into Micheal Jackson and rape it up its @$$hole you re-re. der! everybody knows that.
i am sorry but there is no such thing as guthix godsword in runescape but the is guthix armour but no guthix godsword
Godzhell is a private server OF runescape. Godzhell is a customized, easier version of runescape with less content.
Depends on which one. The Zamorak Godsword is about 20,199,995 and the Bandos one is about 19,199,995. Saradomin godsword is 49,900,000.Armadyl godsword is 68,800,000.
Duping was made illegal, And has been taken out of Godzhell.