I have tried it myself and it is great, I believe it adds werewolves to certain places of Cyrodil, and there is a ritual for becoming a werewolf. However in this mod the werewolves are called lycans. This mod also enables the opportunity for you to become a lich.
GameStop has it for about $10.
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (GOTY) since this one would have the least glitches, plus includes Knights of the nine and shivering isles expansions.
In my opinion, Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind was the best. Oblivion would be my second fevorite, followed by Arena. I can't wait for number 5 to come out later this year.
Elder scrolls 4 Oblivion or modern warfare 2
magical skills, blade, blunt or block. choose from them.
random dungeons
in random creates or barrels like in the market district
to be honest the best thing to do is experiment with them. i was throwing ingredients together at random and made a potion worth 300gold
Bretons with destructoin and illusoin as ur major magic skills but do not be an apprentice as ur birthsign use mage.
It depends on which type of spell e.g: deconstruction and illusions spells. If you are on the PC version of Oblivion IV the elder scrolls, you can use a cheat to get all spells: in gameplay press the`key (located at the top left hand corner of the keyboard below the Esc key) and type in psb, and enjoy! alright different persoon then the dude on top but best desruction spell is imorlating blast
Each horse is different, so the best is either the unicorn which can't be a default horse, or the Shadowmere which can be a default horse. The unicorn is the strongest and the 2nd fastest. The Shadowmere is the fastest. The Best buyable horse in Oblivion is the White Hourses (Cheydinhal stable).
Daedric bow.