It really depends on your gear, but the most common druid that I've seen that worked well(in pvp) is the windy druid. go to to look through the different clones and try to make your own according to the good builds there.
You click create new character at the bottom left corner and the druid is the last one.
There are no torches in Diablo 2
No, Diablo I has nothing to do with Diablo II.
you dont
It depends on what kind of amazon you want to make. Bowazon or Javazon are the biggest builds is the best place to dload it from.
yeah man diablo 2 is a totally different game than diablo 1
Because it's the 3rd part of the best Hack&Slash game Diablo, and awesome Diablo 2. Blizzard promised 3rd part to be at least as good as 2nd.
you can either get key gens for the keys or look online under google web search and type in "Diablo 2 CD Keys" or "Diablo 2 LOD CD Keys". Im sure that will come up with some cd keys that are used for diablo 2 and diablo 2 lod.
run cs alot and sell the drops to people. i use my druid for mf only because he has 290 mf but you should look into a hdin or a sorc for consideration
Annihilus is a charm dropped by Uber Diablo on Diablo 2. To get the item, you will have to kill him first.
There is currently no Diablo 2 supervisor.