

Best Answer

Depends on how much money your going to spend, either infinity hat,ahrims top,ahrims bottom, staff of light, infinity boots, ring of life, amulet of fury.

or mystic robe top, farseer helmet, mystic robe bottoms, glory or fury , climbing boots, ancient staff or staff of light

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Q: What is the best build for a runescape mage pker?
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Best stats for a runescape 2 pker?

The stats your looking for are either high in range and mage or high in melee and mage or just mage. The mage has to be part of a good pker because it gives them a distinct advantage over people with aumor. Look at this: (thats the stats you want to be good) Hope that helped, Phat-Unlt

Who is the best RuneScape pker?

Spartacus121 was a pretty awesome pk'er in Runescape in the past.

As a p2p mage pker what staff should you use in runescape?

Mystic Water staff, and have ancients with Ice Blitz or rush runes.

Why is magwic arrow the best pker in runescape?

becuz he get bout 48 kills per day...

Who is the best pker in RuneScape?

"i would have to say kids ranqe best pure hybrid koing many mains. elvemage is great but he mostly just farcast." like you sayd " is you're opinion but that is not the answer, the real answer to this question is looklook win, oficially. @runescape jacodia DK is the best pker in runescape. PERIOD!

Who is the most pownage pker in runescape?

jacodia dk is the most dominate pker ever...... he owns anyone in his path yet hes only a lvl 79

What is Pker Melee01's runescape email?

It is against the rules to post that. ( Privacy Wise )

What runescape stats should you get for a good pker?

Strength, magic or range an attack all at least 70+.

Best stats fora runescape pker?

it depends if its bounty hunter ur thinking of because they replaced it with the wilderness now only on certain worlds and the range of levels depends how deep u are in the wilderness

What is a pker on RuneScape?

A Pker is a player killer. This dates back to when the "wilderness" pking still existed. However now this term is still used when killing people in the "pvp worlds", duel arena, and other mini-games. look me up on the high scores: Great_Deller

Who is the richest f2per in RuneScape?

A recent video uploaded by a long time player of runescape known as Pker Tdm shows his bank which holds 82 crackers and many party hats and other rares. There are also a couple videos of him trading people crackers. Pker Tdm is the richest known player(and he is free to play, too!), followed by Chessy018. me i have 7634 mill in my bank im lvl 128