What is the us action replay code in Pokemon platinum for the event weavile?
I found an extremely long code gor San Diego's Event Weavile.It is at level 30. OT is named World09. It is holding the Focas Sash. It is in a special ball, maybe even a cherish ball. It says Pokemon Event.It knows the following 4 moves:Fake OutIce ShardNight SlashBrick BreakIt is too long for me too type it here, in fact theUS Action Replay Code is too long to manually input into a dsi.You will need to copy it into your action replay using theAction Replay Code Manager.I found it onYouTubegoogleUS action replay code for event weavileIt will take you to a list concerning various events, among them Weaviles and ShayminIN broad letters down the list you might readToys R Us ShayminIn not broad print, you may readSan Diego's Action Replay Code for event Weavileclick on the paragraphThe video may open up to Toys R Us Shayminscroll onto the right videos, untilYou readSan Diego's action Replay Code for Event Weavileafter you find the code, that is the one you want to copy.It did work for me.I wish you luck.