go to any gamestop store and pay 14.99 for a pro card or get an ordinary rewards card for free
Put in the number located right under your barcode on your power up card into the box at your checkout screen. The number should be located between the barcode and the 20 digit number.
Sorry, I don't have an answer but I have the same problem. Someone please help!
The Gamestop Powerup Rewards Pro gives a %10 discount off any pre-owned game and accessories. It costs $15.00 but it's worth the money. Also, gives 12 month subscription for a monthly Gameinformer magazine mailed to you. And everytime you buy something, you earn points, which adds up to buy something for yourself at PowerUpRewards.com
Yes you can. 5 dollars from your gift card, Edge card, or PowerUp Rewards card are put down for the pre-order. If you pick up the item you pre-ordered, that 5 dollars goes towards it's purchase. If you don't pick up the item you pre-order, that 5 dollars remains in the system for you to spend towards something else, such as pre-ordering a different game. If your store credit comes in the form of a PowerUp Rewards card, you earn 10 points per dollar spent on your final purchase (11 points if you're a Pro member).
Some Gamestops will give you 5% off software (but not hardware) when you show a student ID, so don't expect a discount on game systems. Depending on how much you typically buy at Gamestop, a PowerUp Rewards account with them could be worth it. There's a free membership and pro-level membership, and in either case, you receive points for every purchase that can be redeemed on their Web site. A pro membership (for 14.99 a year) additionally gives you discounts on pre-owned games and accessories, more value for your trade-ins, and a subscription to Game Informer.
yes. if you want to trade in modern warfare 3 for crysis 2, then most likley they will trade it in for you. but if you want to trade crysis 2 for modern warfare 3 the they wont except. because crysis 2 is 20$, while mw3 in like 50 to 60$. if you trade a game thats less the amount of money of the game you want, GAMESTOP WILL SAY NO.
by playing the game and earning points to buy or earn cards by playing; card rewards are a randomized system
you have to destroy 40 killstreak rewards
I'm pretty sure it makes deathstreak rewards come faster.
You don't need a tour card to turn pro. He simply earned his after he turned pro.