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The Alliance is one of the two sides in World of Warcraft. Alliance and Horde. The alliance consists of Human, Dranaei, Dwarves, Night Elves, and Gnomes. It will soon also include Worgen with the upcoming expansion.

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Q: What is the Alliance in World of Warcraft?
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Be an alliance char!z

How did the Alliance cities get their names?

The people that made World of Warcraft named them.

What is Stormwind in World of Warcraft?

STORMWIND is the main alliance city as far as i know. I do not play world of warcraft but i have played the trial 3 times :D

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Alliance: Hinterlands Horde: Uldaman

Where can one access a reliable Alliance leveling guide for World of Warcraft?

One can access a reliable Alliance leveling guide for World of Warcraft on the website WOW Vault. This website contains instructions for all WOW levels.

Why is the alliance fail in World of Warcraft?

This question can not be answered with any hope of non-one-sidedness. It is a personal opinion if the Alliance is fail or not.

What is the difference between alliance and horde?

We're talking about World of Warcraft right? I think Alliance is good and Horde is evil. Or something like that

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he is, was the right hand of the lich king he now helps the alliance

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God plays on the alliance side. You rolled horde.

What is Northrend in World of Warcraft?

Northrend is a zone that you can get to at level 68 from Stormwind harbour or Menthill harbour on alliance

Where is the guild master in World of Warcraft?

They are all in the capitals i dont know if your horde or alliance but they are in the capitals i can tell you that

Can you be a night elf on the burning crusade on world of Warcraft?

Yes, the Night Elf race is an Alliance race. You do not need Burning Crusade to be a Night Elf. It is included with the "vanilla" version of World of Warcraft.