It was a prequal to FF7, which means there is no 'next' unless they remake FF7 or create a sequal to FF7, which there is no news of at this time.
it goes FFVII crisis core then the orignal FFVII for the ps1 then the FFVII movie
In storyline order, Before Crisis happened first, it is set six years before the events of the main FFVII game. Crisis Core is next, it is the story of Zack Fair. The original Final Fantasy VII is a direct continuation from Crisis Core's ending. Advent Children is set two years after the events of FFVII, and Dirge of Cerberus is one more year after that.
Vincent is in Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus.
you cant play final fantasy 13 online but the new final fantasy 14 is coming out next year in march which is a online game
Well they just put out Final Fantasy XIII for Xbox 360 and PS3, Square Enix is currently working on Final Fantasy XIV, also for xbox 360 and PS3
Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals was the first TV spin off, which was a sequel to Final Fantasy V including 4 30 minute episodes. The next was Final Fantasy: Unlimited, a series with 25 episodes which was based on the common elements that appear across the Final Fantasy series. These are both anime series'.
in the second town you visit next to cid
when it will be next month.
The next game in the series, Final Fantasy XV will be much more action oriented. Probably not the same as you are describing, but about as close as we'll probably ever get.
there is an underground tunal in the city right next to it after u find the mythril
Either this year or next year. I'm not exactly sure.
This depends entirely on which Final Fantasy or Final Fantasy Spinoff game you're playing. Go to any search engine (e.g. google) and type the name of your game and write 'walkthrough' next to it, e.g. "Final Fantasy 6 Walkthrough". However I would personally recommend going to and searching the site.