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Q: What is mean by admin panel?
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What is mean by Admin?

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How do you make yourself not computer admin?

You need to set up new accounts in the admin one by clicking on user scounts in the control panel.

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withdraw from an admin

How do you get to your control panel on your wordpress account?

Browse to the installation directory of your blog and append /wp-admin/index.php to the address. Example - or

How do you get Admin priv from your computer?

Go to "Start" - "Control panel" - "Administrative Tools". It is done in there.

What is mean by admin?

"Admin" means somebody who can control parts of something. For instance, say that you are on a forum. You look at a post and it has a bad word in it. You can report it to the admin, and he could then leave it, or delete it and ban the user that posted the thread.

How do you make yourself admin on roblox?

Well if you mean ROBLOX company admin, like Telamon or Keith, you can't just become one. If you mean like admin commands then you add an admin commands script into your place and say some of the commands it comes with.

When using the contol panel in windows 7 what two types of user accounts can be created?

Standard and Admin

What are the admin controls for Team Fortress 2?

If you are a Administrator on a server with SourceMod you can access the admin panel with this command in the console: sm_admin or !admin in the chat Or type the following in the console for a list of commands: sm_help sm_help 2 sm_help 3 sm_help 4 and etc..

How disable admin account win 7?

You must have at least one admin account enabled on your computer. To disable an admin account, go to Control Panel, click User Accounts and Family Safety, click User Accounts, and click on the admin account you want to disable. You can make it a Standard account, or delete it entirely.