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they dont, normally. I think most of the people that were "desensitised to violence by games" were probably already slightly psychotic and the fact that they play violent games is a coincidence or because of their violent tendancys. (im not expert mind and am just speculating).

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12y ago

Because a lot of people are stupid and believe whatever the press tells them instead of doing their own research. I have been playing computer/Video Games for 30 years and I've never committed a violent act in my life.

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No. And if you think it does I will smash this controller through your skull!

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Q: What is it about video games that cause some people to become desensitized to violence?
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ow observing and experiencing violence can cause a person to become apathetic

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no, just think about how much pot hippys smoke and how peaceful they are.

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The exact same things cause all violence. The object used to commit the violent act is immaterial. Violence is caused by people who refuse to obey the rules of society. Why they refuse can be biological, sociological or chemical or anything a lawer can think of.

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yes it does!

Do video games cause violence in children?

No. However, violent video games where a child, or an adult for that matter, spends a good deal of time shooting or destroying others, seeing violent deaths and injuries, may become desensitized to violence which can create apathy - lack of caring - about real life people and their pain. They might spend so much time seeing violence on the screen that if they see violence in real life, they might not care or think much of it and that can be dangerous. Or they might think the gun they pick up for real is just like the one they play on the game and not really understand or relate fully to the fact that they could or do hurt someone with it for real. This isn't to say every child who plays violent games is vulnerable to this, but it really depends on the child's personality and how much time they spend on such games. And not all video games are violent.