

What is dupe?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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14y ago

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to dupe in godzhell you need to have 2 Web Browsers you need to open 1 and load it then log in and find a good place where no one else is 2. you need to open your other browser and load up the game and log into your account again (the same account) this will not log your other account out.

you will be in the same place as the other account now all you need to do is drop 1 item at a time from one account and go to your other browser and rapidly click on the spot where you dropped your item (if you drop more than 1 item at a time u will not get it) and once you got it bank it and there yopu go you duped the item i am also duping items for other people my godzhell name is alex809.

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