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Rancorous means resentful or bearing ill-will, generally negative feelings directed towards a specific person or thing.

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Q: What is does this rancorous mean?
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adjectiveadjective: rancorouscharacterized by bitterness or resentment. "sixteen miserable months of rancorous disputes"I think you are looking for some other word than rancorous.

How do you use rancorous in a sentence?

The animal had rancor for its irritating toy.

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What is a sentence using the word rancorous?

The political debate became increasingly rancorous as both sides refused to listen to each other's viewpoints.

How do you use the word rancor in a sentence?

RANCOROUS: Exhibiting deep resentment or rancor toward someone or something. I remember how rancorous i felt when he spent his gas money & his entire pay check on hookers. Said Suzann J. Hearterartch

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cruel, brutal, selfish, truculent, vitriolic, malicious, rancorous

What does acromonious mean?

Acrimonious adj. Bitter and sharp in language or tone; rancorous: an acrimonious debate between the two candidates

What are some adjectives that begin with ra?

rabid, racial, racy, radiant, radical, radioactive, ragged, rainless, rainy, rambunctious, rampant, rancid, rancorous, random, rank, rapid, rare, rash, ratable, rational, raw

What do you call a person that gets revenge on you?

avenging, cruel, grim, grudging, implacable, malicious, malignant, merciless, rancorous, relentless, resentful, retaliatory, ruthless, spiteful, unforgiving, unrelenting, vengeful, venomous? Good enough? XD

What term best describes Mrs Reed's character in Jane Erye?

Mrs. Reed's character in Jane Eyre can be described as rigid, unsympathetic, and cold-hearted. She is portrayed as a strict and uncaring guardian to Jane, displaying a lack of compassion and understanding towards her.

What does as welcome as a skunk at a lawn party mean?

Unless it has had its musk gland removed, a skunk would not be very welcome at a lawn party because it would be frightened by human presence and might because of this spray to protect itself from perceived danger. This possibility would drive the guests away from the party due to the rancorous aroma a skunk can produce. That would not be the desired situation of either the guests or especially the host. Therefore this phrase is an analogy implying that whatever is "as welcome as a skunk at a lawn party" is very unwelcome.