

What is chrome?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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15y ago

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Chrome is a basic chemical element that is a metal (similar to gold and silver). it is commonly used to plate metals to give it a hard, shiny protective layer, such as car parts. This is applied by electrolysis plating process. Chrome is mixed with other metals to form steel alloys and other metals. Chrome may be a paint color that dries in a shiny silver finish. It is not the same as a silver paint because it will have a reflective finish.

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i have both opera and chrome and i would have to say chrome is faster. But I think that the opera is faster, but chrome is the best, I use chrome :)

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Chrome itself is not a webpage so does not have a URL. URL's are inserted into Chrome for use.

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Polished chrome is shiny like almost mirrored. Chrome is more Matte, less shine

Googlemail works on safari but not Google Chrome?

Google Mail works on both safari and Chrome. Chrome is a Google Product so it must run on chrome.

What does chrome make?

Google has made Chrome as a public browser. Chrome has individually not made any products.

What is chrome made of?

Chrome is a type of alloy and can be formed into a car finish with plastic out line and chrome tape :)

How do you change your theme in Google Chrome?

There are a number of themes for chrome too. A theme can be downloaded from Chrome store.

Who owns chrome web browser?

Google owns the Chrome browser