by changing colors
The Taj Mahal id made from Marble, Jasper, Jade, Crystal, Turquoise, Sapphire, Camelian.
Coconut Pearl California Ruby Calsilica Canary Diamonds Cape Amethyst Cape Ruby Carborado Carbuncle Carnelian Carneole Cat's Eye Chrysoberyl Cultured Fresh-water Pearls Champagne DiamondCharoite Chinese Opal Chrome Diapsido Chrysocolla Chrysolite Chrysoprase Cinnabar Citrine Cognac Diamond Colorado Ruby Conch Contra Luz Opal Coral Corundum Crystal Cubic Zirconium Cullinan Diamond Cupids Darts Camelian Snowflake Obsidian Cassiterite Clinohumite Cairngorm Camelian ChalcedonyCyclop Agate
I did a culture fair on Morocco well mostly camels thats all I can say its mostly just a desert so theyres probably prarie dogs,geckos, and stuff or whatever lizards live in the desert camelian,dried up bullfrogs lol
The following saints are memorialized on July 28:Acacius Arduinus of Trepino Botwid Camelian of Troyes Celsus of Rome Eustathius of Galatia John Soreth José Melchór García-Sampedro Suárez Lucidius of Aquara Lyutius Nazarius of Rome Pedro Poveda Castroverde Peregrinus Samson of York Martyrs of Thebaid David Carlos Emmanuel Segura Joseph Caselles Moncho Joseph Castell Camps