Darkness howling grazor is Dark Wolf's special move.
Grey wolves are very intellegant. I think that's one of the special things Grey Wolfs have.
Special Moves was created on 2010-08-23.
burn storm
yes, wolf meat is eaten in Asia and Africa for a special holiday that is celebrated in Africa.
the binweevils special moves are*g* *f* *e* *d* *gfgf* *ef*
you cant
you have to do some stories again to unlock some special moves
storm leones special moves are hurricane crunch, tornado lion claw, and tsunami twister
To watch things burn and to burn them!
If you are in the woods with no food or nothing you should eat a cat. What ever moves its edible to eat like Deer's, Cats, Wolfs, Dogs, and rabbit's.
Most moves in Pokémon have variations. A Hyper beam like move is one with a power of 150 which requires two turns to perform, damage being dealt on the first turn. Hyper beam has both special and physical variations as well as a variety of types. These moves are Hyper beam (normal special), Giga-Impact (normal physical), Frenzy Plant (grass special), Blast Burn (fire special), Hydro Cannon (water special), Rock Wrecker (rock physical) and Roar of Time (dragon special)