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Normal rank, super rank, master rank, idk which order, so do a contest yourself and find out!!!

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Q: What is after normal rank in Pokemon Ruby?
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Pokemon Sapphire Where can you find the normal rank contests?

You can find the normal rank contests in Pokemon ruby and Sapphire is in Verdanturf town

Where are all of the normal rank Pokemon contests are in Pokemon ruby red version?

Verdanturf town.

Where is the easy rank contest in Pokemon sapphire?

The easy rank (known as Normal rank) can be found in Verdanturf town in Ruby and Sapphire. In Emerald, all ranks are in the Lilycove Pokemon Contest Center.

Where is the super rank Pokemon contest?

in fallarbor town but in Pokemon ruby and Sapphire

What cities have contests in ruby version?

Well, normal rank is in vendraturf, super rank is in fallobolar,hyper rank is in slateport, and the master rank is in lilicove. :)

What do ruby Pokemon look like?

Just normal but do not move

In Pokemon platinum's contest why can't i play great rank ultra rank and master rank all my Pokemon are unable to do it?

are you using the same Pokemon for the contests, e.g Ambipom for cool normal rank, if you win, he should be able 2 do cool great rank

Where do the Pokemon you trade from Pokemon LeafGreen into ruby end up?

If you trade Pokemon between leafgreen and ruby ruby will have your leafgreen Pokemon and leafgreen will have the ruby Pokemon both in the party they will not be sent to the PC unless you personally walk to the PC and do so.

Where do you get Articuno in Pokemon Rumble?

In Rocky Cave on Normal Rank S.

When are you able to fight your dad in Pokemon ruby?

After Flannery. He's a normal gym.

Where is magby in Pokemon Ruby and im not talking about emerald?

Nowhere. Magby cannot be found in the wild in Pokemon Ruby through normal gameplay. It must be traded to that game from either Pokemon Emerald or LeafGreen.

What are the ranks in Pokemon Explorers of Sky?

The ranks are: Normal Rank, Bronze rank, Silver Rank, Gold Rank, Diamond Rank, Super Rank, Ultra Rank, Hyper Rank, Master Rank, Master * Rank, Master ** Rank, Master *** Rank, and Guildmaster Rank.